Monday, October 15, 2012

What is Aromatherapy?

Origins: It take us back in time to start with Egypt were they developed probably the first machine that extracts oil from certain plants, which were used to embalm the dead, however this practice goes even farther back into the Chinese roots not without mentioned the Greeks pointing out to Megallus the Greek perfumer or even the grater Hippocrates consider for some as the father of modern medicine

How does it work? Aromatherapy does not cure conditions, but the influence of aroma that goes into the brain, passing through the limbic and olfactory system that helps the body to find a natural way to cure itself and improve immune response. The other is the direct pharmacological effects of the essential oils.]While precise knowledge of the synergy between the body and aromatic oils is often claimed by aroma therapists to be a natural source of balance between mother earth and our bodies that find their roots; minerals, carbons etc… from mother earth too.

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