Monday, August 1, 2016


Exploring a new frontier!





The amazing world that we all have in our body and everything that could be possible with the full understanding of it!

A journey to see the micro universe inside your body and the beauty of such of universe!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Benefits of the Hot Stones Massage!

Benefits of the Hot Stones Massage!

Promotes deep muscle and tissue relaxation

Alleviates stress
Releases Toxins
Relieves pain
Improves Circulation
Calms The psyche

Health Conditions Treated with Hot Stones Massage

Muscular aches and pains
Back Pain
Stress, Anxiety
Circulatory problems

Some of images  are copyright.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Masaje de Yoga Tailandés

Masaje de Yoga Tailandés.


Hace 2500 años en la India, Jivaka Jumarbhaccha fundó el Masaje Tilandés, así como La Ayurveda Tailandés. Jivaka era muy conocido entre los príncipes y reyes de su época, y aún del mismo Buda.
De las ramas del Masaje Tailandés, sale el Masaje de Yoga Tailandés, creado por Kam Thye Chow en la escuela Lotus Palm en el Sigo XX.

Que hace por mi?

El masaje de Yoga Tailandés es ampliamente benéfico para la salud, pues centra el cuerpo del paciente y lo tranquiliza, Su curación es holística incluyendo Ayurveda. Mejora la circulación del cuerpo, reduce el estrés y la tensión nerviosa. Asimismo regulariza el Sistema Inmunológico, tonificando los músculos y proporcionándoles más estiramiento y elasticidad.

Como es el masaje?

El terapéuta del masaje de Yoga Tailandés, realiza una combinación de diferentes técnicas, incluyendo el Hatha Yoga, movimientos de Artes Marciales, Estiramientos y Respiración.

El terapéuta coloca a la persona a tratar, sobre una colchoneta en el suelo, con ropa cómoda, utiliza sus extremidades para ejecutar este masaje, ya que al hacerlo ofrece ayuda y orientación al paciente mientras se mueve en diferentes posiciones de Yoga.

El texto como algunas imagines, son derecho reservados.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What is Acupuncture?

Origins: Acupuncture is known to have been around for the last 2000 years, though some do believe it’s been around for longer, about 4000 years. Acupuncture is believed to have begun during the Stone Age. People would use sharpened stones to puncture the skin and drain any abscesses. It is during the Shang dynasty, in 1500 BC that it is first recorded to have been used to treat disease.

What is Acupuncture and how it is performed? There are acupoints (acupuncture points) all over the body, and it is here where very thin needles are inserted into the skin’s surface. As a result the body will release its natural painkillers which will change the pain signals being sent to the brain, as well as aid the body in curing itself and a wide range of conditions.

What can Acupuncture do for me? Acupuncture will promote natural healing and diminish pain. Acupuncture will even significantly improve energy and mood.

The text as well as some images are copyright.

What is Reflexology?

Origins:Reflexology can be traced back to around 2300 BC in Egypt, India and china.

What is Reflexologie? The entire body is mirrored by reflex points that are located on the hands and feet.

What can Reflexologie do for me? Reflexology has many great advantages, it has something for everyone. It will create deep relaxation which in turn reduces stress and boosts energy. It will also stimulate circulation, balance the body as a whole and aid overall health.

The text as well as some images are copyright.

What is Aromatherapy?

Origins: It take us back in time to start with Egypt were they developed probably the first machine that extracts oil from certain plants, which were used to embalm the dead, however this practice goes even farther back into the Chinese roots not without mentioned the Greeks pointing out to Megallus the Greek perfumer or even the grater Hippocrates consider for some as the father of modern medicine

How does it work? Aromatherapy does not cure conditions, but the influence of aroma that goes into the brain, passing through the limbic and olfactory system that helps the body to find a natural way to cure itself and improve immune response. The other is the direct pharmacological effects of the essential oils.]While precise knowledge of the synergy between the body and aromatic oils is often claimed by aroma therapists to be a natural source of balance between mother earth and our bodies that find their roots; minerals, carbons etc… from mother earth too.

The text  as well as some of images  are copyright.

What is Chair massage?

Chair massage is a short massage, anywhere from five to 30 minutes, done through the clothing. It typically focuses on key tension areas in the back, neck, shoulders and arms. A professional practitioner performs it in a specially designed ergonomic massage chair.

The sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage making it very convenient for anyone to fit into their schedule. And because the sessions are shorter, the cost for a chair massage is relatively low. These benefits make chair massage a safe, convenient and affordable. It's no wonder that more people are introduced to massage through chair massage than through any other massage technique.

The text as well as some images are copyright.